Home Care Packages

The Home Care Packages program is funded by the Australian Government to assist older people who need care to remain at home for as long as possible.

There are four levels of Home Care Package depending on your assessed needs, ranging from very basic care through to high care. The Government provides a different amount of funding for each level, to spend on the services that you need to maintain well-being and independence. You might choose a mix of cleaning, laundry, and meals preparation, or you may prefer to use your funding for assistance with weekly shopping, transport to medical or social appointments, or to access Allied Health services, such as physiotherapy and podiatry.

Importantly, the service choices are yours. In this way, each person gets the right service at the right time in the right way… for them.

How to get started

Samarinda Home Care can help you to contact My Aged Care, the Australian Government’s aged care entry portal. They will arrange an assessment in your home, which is free and confidential.

You may initially be placed on a wait list; however you will receive communication as you progress up the list. Once you receive notice that you have been assigned a package, you will then be able to select an aged care provider to administer the package.

If you choose Samarinda, our professional staff can assist you to make informed decisions about which services would benefit you the most. We can also help to design your care plan, select your service providers, and develop your individual budget. We have a large workforce of trained staff to deliver in-Home and Community Services and will work closely with you to choose a support team that best suits your needs.

Our guiding philosophy is Locals for Locals. We know who the local service providers are and can help you to integrate a Home Care Package with access to other services that might benefit you through our Community Centre, Delivered Meals Service and Day Respite Facility.

What can your Package be used for?

Service planning is based on your personal goals and can include a mix of services, assistive technologies or equipment, and home maintenance or modifications. Please refer to the attached Home Care Package Inclusions & Exclusions fact sheet that has been informed by current Australian Government guidelines.

Our flexible and responsive approach ensures that service planning is based on your unique circumstances and personal choices. We also know that nothing stays the same.

If your needs or circumstances change and you require additional support at home, our Service Advisors can assist you to apply for a Package upgrade. We will work with you to change your care plan and access the right services for now!

What will it cost?

Samarinda charges an Administration fee and Care Management fee that is based on your Home Care Package level. These charges are deducted from your Home Care subsidy. You will find our service costs to be very competitive and we will not charge you any set-up fees or exit fees. We also don’t charge the basic daily care fee.
Please refer to the attached Service Fees & Costs for services delivered by Samarinda and our registered contractors.

For self-funded retirees or people on a part pension, the Government may request that you contribute to the cost of your care, through payment of an Income Tested Fee. If the Income Tested Fee is payable, then the Government subsidy is reduced and Samarinda is required to collect a client contribution, set by Centrelink, based on your income.

The Australian Government provides current information regarding Home Care Packages including:
• Aged Care subsidies and supplements https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/schedule-of-subsidies-and-supplements-for-aged-care
• Income Tested Fees https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/home-care-package-costs-and-fees#income-tested-fee
• A Fee Calculator to estimate how much you might be expected to pay https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/how-much-will-i-pay

If you need help to access digital information, you can book a session with one of our Digital Navigators.

Contact Information

Phone: 03 8809 0050
Address: 289 High Street, Ashburton

Inclusions and Exclusions

Service Fees & Costs

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