High quality care is provided in a welcoming environment where residents are free to move around and enjoy outdoor and indoor spaces, limited only by their individual abilities. Samarinda is our residents’ home.
Unobtrusive specialist clinical, ancillary health services and personal care services are delivered without fuss in a relaxed and safe environment.
The Samarinda community is made up of Samarinda residents, their families and carers, staff, volunteers and external service provider partners. Residents at Samarinda are typically older adults who are unable to live independently in their own homes.
Daily social programs, including music therapy, music programs, gardening, tenpin bowling, seated Zumba, armchair travel, arts and crafts and word challenges and other intellectual pursuits, to name a few, are structured so that there is always something to do. Our Music Therapy program is a perfect example of how these important social and lifestyle programs make a difference.
Families and carers are welcome at any time to share time at Samarinda with residents or to take residents out for family celebrations and home visits.
Major local and national days and festivities, such as Australia Day, Lunar New Year and Melbourne Cup along with special religious observances are celebrated and all have a place in our calendar of events.
Residents are able to go for a morning walk, sometimes with carers and sometimes independently. Other residents will walk or take a bus, which stops outside Samarinda, to nearby shops to do banking or buy personal items. Some residents continue to participate in activities they enjoyed before becoming members of our Samarinda Community, like attending RSL meetings or University of the Third Age classes.
Religious and cultural linkages are fostered. Samarinda organises visits from a number of chaplains who deliver services in one of the communal areas.
Contact Information
Phone: 1300 591 464
Address: 286 High Street, Ashburton